Friday, February 18, 2011

What Has Become Of Our World?


They Don't Care About Us by Michael Jackson

It deals with racism, world hunger, gang violence, stories from the Holocaust, and all the problems of the world.

[My computer wouldn't upload an image for some reason.]

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Should we be aloud to be armed on college campuses?

I think that being aloud to bring guns into colleges is not their smartest idea. I think a lot of people could get hurt. Not all students party and it is unfair to them to make that judgement, but a majority of them do and bringing in guns doesn't help the situation. There are rare occasions that a gun is needed and that's a loss, but there could be more at stake when we let guns in.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Beslan Bombing

I thought it was tragic and horrible. No one deserves to go through that. The innocent children that went through that experience will live with that forever and the ones who won't died because of it. I think that we could all learn from this and that it might actually happen here.